Main Number: 866-385-9281 (Toll-Free)   |   St. Louis Office: 866-385-9281, Press 3   |   Email:   |   RTN/ABA #: 254074581

Term Certificates

Earn Guaranteed Income!

Get a Competitive Fixed Rate on Your Long-Term Savings

Keep Your Savings Safe

Dividends Are Paid at Maturity, Quarterly, Annually or Custom

Minimum Balance of $1,000

Penalties for Early Withdrawal**

Term Certificate Rates effective as of March 1, 2025:

Term Shares Certificate Rate APY*
6 months 3.90% 3.98%
12 months 3.85% 3.93%
24 months 3.50% 3.56%
36 months 3.40% 3.46%
48 months 3.40% 3.46%
60 months 3.40% 3.46%
72 months 3.40% 3.46%
84 months 3.40% 3.46%

*Annual Percentage Yield

Did you know that you can leverage your Certificate balance to secure a competitive-rate loan? If you want to keep access to your savings while using its financial power to free up cash, a Savings Secured Loan is for you!
Open a term share certificate today!  Complete this form and email to
If you’re already a member, you can log into Online Banking to open your new Term Certificate!


**For maturities less than one year: you will forfeit an amount equal to the lesser of 90 days of dividends or dividends earned since issuance or renewals of the certificate. For maturities of one year or more: you will forfeit an amount equal to the lesser of 180 days of dividends or dividends earned since issuance or renewals of the certificate. There is no penalty for early withdrawal upon the death of the primary owner.