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Are You Getting a Tax Refund?

So, you’re getting a tax refund? That’s great!

What are you going to do with it?  If you don’t have an emergency fund, you put that refund right into a savings account right now and leave it there.  But treat yourself.  Maybe a tall latte?  Something small and tasty. And the rest goes into savings.  

If you have an emergency fund, but also have credit card or other relatively high-cost debt, put that refund right against that debt.  In what order?  You pick:  highest interest rate?  Highest balance?  Can you pay one off completely?  Which is most satisfying.  And again, treat yourself.  Splurge on a grande latte. (After paying down debt!)

If you have a nice emergency fund, say, 6 months of rent/mortgage, utilities, and food, and no debt to pay down, you are a saver. So now save for something big, like a car, vacation, down payment, or education. And treat yourself to a that venti Frappuccino.  You’ve earned it!  Now get back to saving!