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Preparing for Retirement

Are you looking ahead to retirement? To relaxing and doing all those things you don’t have time to do now? In retirement, you will have lots more time to do what you love and hopefully less expenses; but you will also have less income. Plan ahead! When you are ready to retire, you want your finances to […]


Planning for the Unexpected: Beneficiaries & Wills

If this past year has taught us anything, it is that tomorrow is never promised. We must live each day to the fullest and protect our loved ones if something should happen to us. We must think of the future in clear-eyed terms, and not put off what needs to be done. It is extremely important to […]


Fraud & Scam Prevention

Unfortunately, scammers are really upping their game. They are having great success getting through to people and stealing personal information for their own gain. One of your best defenses against fraud and scams?  Do not answer your phone if you do not know the number!  If it’s a legitimate call, they will leave a message […]


Are You Getting a Tax Refund?

So, you’re getting a tax refund? That’s great! What are you going to do with it?  If you don’t have an emergency fund, you put that refund right into a savings account right now and leave it there.  But treat yourself.  Maybe a tall latte?  Something small and tasty. And the rest goes into savings.   If you […]


What to Do During Tax Season

Tax time can painful. Even before you know if you have to pay or you are getting a refund, you have to fill out the appropriate forms. If you are using tax prep software, do you know about the IRS’s free file program?  There are 10 companies that participate in the program this year; and they’re all […]


African American History Month: Maggie Lena Walker

Do you know the name Maggie Lena Walker?  You should.  Especially during African American History Month, but really, she is an inspiration year-round.  Several years ago, I heard a talk by Tim Todd of FRB Kansas City about his book, “Let Us Put Our Money Together.  The Founding of America’s First Black Banks.”  Download the […]